Thenatan Clone for mac破解版是一款优秀的混音效果插件,插件模拟各种用于试听的播放扬声器系统,从录音室监视器、高保真音响和耳机,到汽车音响、电话、平板电脑和电视。大家可从 16 种不同的基于卷积的扬声器模拟中进行选择
CLONE - Double Check your Mix
Introducing “Clone” a realistic emulation of different types of speakers with their acoustics and environments.
an ultimate mixing assistant that helps you to get better mixes instantly.
Clone simulates a wide range of playback speaker systems for auditioning purposes, from studio monitors, hi-fis and headphones, to car stereos, phones, tablets and TVs.
Choose from 16 different convolution-based speaker sims and quickly turn your studio monitors into classic reference monitors or get creative and “Colorize” your mixes.
“Everything you Need for a Perfect Sound”
We’ve added: Warm Distortion, LoFi Degrader, Color Knob to Control The Darkness or Brightness Of your Audio Signals, “Time Machine From VYBZ” as AGE Knob, and on top, Noise Player with 9 Unique & Professionally Recorded Textures for having extra control over the sound shaping.
“Real-Time Goniometer | Widener”
You can build complete environments for the speakers right here,
Just Grab and move the Speakers for an excellent wide or narrow Signal.
System Requirements
“Mac” OS X 10.9.5 Mavericks or above
4 Gb ram / 2 GB free space on the system drive
macOS Catalina / Bigsur Ready ( Compatible With M1 Silicon Computers Under Rosetta 2)
Thenatan Clone 1.0.0 破解版 – 混音效果插件
Thenatan Clone for mac破解版是一款优秀的混音效果插件,插件模拟各种用于试听的播放扬声器系统,从录音室监视器、高保真音响和耳机,到汽车音响、电话、平板电脑和电视
2022-08-21PluginsThenatan Clone混音效果插件录音室监视器高保真音响Auditioning PurposesConvolution-Based SpeakerStudio MonitorsWarm DistortionLoFi DegraderColor KnobNarrow Signal
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,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: MAC应用无法打开或文件损坏的处理方法 如遇:
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: 打开身份不明开发者的应用程序方法 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者 .pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。