Raycast 1.71.4 破解版 – 快捷启动器

Raycast 1.71.4 破解版 – 快捷启动器





Raycast 1.71.4 破解版 – 快捷启动器

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Raycast是一款高效、全面可定制的启动器,专为简化任务完成、计算和常用链接分享等日常任务而设计。其安装过程简单,用户可以在其开发者社区商店中轻松找到并安装各种扩展程序。Raycast的设计考虑了无缝集成和即时响应,用户只需简单的操作就能在毫秒级别完成扩展程序的安装。Raycast还提供了丰富的功能,如控制Spotify或Apple Music、搜索Figma、Notion和Xcode、检查互联网速度和天气等,甚至还能玩Snake游戏。其中,ChatGPT功能让用户可以随时向AI提问,无论是编程问题、文案需求,还是其他问题。Raycast还具有云同步功能,可以确保在所有Mac设备间同步更新内容,非常适合在个人和工作环境间切换。用户还可以通过选择预设主题或自定义主题来个性化Raycast,并与社区分享。Raycast的核心理念是个性化,用户可以根据自己的需求扩展Raycast,并使用API为自己和团队构建工具,打造独一无二的生产力工具。
Raycast is an incredibly fast and fully expandable launcher. It allows you to perform tasks, calculate, share common links and much more.
Raycast is an advanced tool designed to streamline your daily tasks on Mac. Acting like a personal assistant deeply integrated into macOS, it's just a tap away from you and lets you work smarter, code faster, and get faster answers thanks to the power of artificial intelligence.
Are you tired of running through browser tabs and tools to get work done? The simplest things sometimes require too many clicks. But with Raycast, you can control your instruments in just a few moves. The command line-inspired interface combines tools in the form of commands to cut through the noise.
Raycast interface
is known for its very clean and easy to use interface. You simply press ⌥ + Spacebar and a floating interface opens in front of you where you can access everything you need to do in the application.
This app is designed with built-in shortcuts and commands that make accessing certain features on your Mac and a variety of tasks much faster. If you want to execute a custom command to define words, you just need to go into the extensions menu, write down the command for it, and then you're done. This works for any action you want to automate using commands.
If the built-in features aren't enough, you can add your own script commands, including access to over 400 scripts already created by the Raycast community.
Third Party Application Integration
You can connect Raycast to third party applications and execute custom commands for actions in those applications. An example of this is the ability to connect your Google account to Raycast. And from there, you can run a custom command to create a new Google Document or search your Google Drive library.
Another example is the ability to connect your Zoom account. If you're a college professor or a remote team leader who constantly schedules meetings, you'll probably find this useful. Once your account is connected, you can set up commands to schedule meetings, start meetings, and view upcoming meetings.
Other Features:
Let's say you want to program a command to go to a specific web page. The Quick Links feature allows you to do this. You can even choose which browser or app you want to open the links in. You can search local files using the command and run commands to view the calendar schedule.
Floating notes are also a great addition to Raycast. For those of you who quickly think about something and want to write it down, the floating notes window is great for this. Once you've written a note, you can share it with your Apple Notes, send it to someone via iMessage, or copy it to your clipboard.
These are just a few of the many great features that Raycast has. So, we highly recommend you check it out if you are looking for a program that makes it easy to create useful shortcuts. Be sure to check out Raycast if you're interested!
