KORG Modwave Native 1.2.8 破解版 – 合成器软件插件

KORG Modwave Native 1.2.8 破解版 – 合成器软件插件

KORG Modwave Native是一款合成器软件插件,基于KORG的Modwave硬件合成器




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KORG Modwave Native 1.2.8 破解版 – 合成器软件插件

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KORG Modwave Native是一款合成器软件插件,基于KORG的Modwave硬件合成器。以下是Modwave Native的各种功能:

数字波表合成:Modwave Native采用了Modwave硬件合成器的核心技术,具备强大的数字波表合成功能。它可以使用预设的波表或自定义波表来创建出丰富多样的声音。

波表编辑器:Modwave Native提供了一个直观易用的波表编辑器,让你可以修改和创作自己的波表。通过调整波形的形状、频率、幅度和偏移等参数,你可以塑造出独特的声音。

双声道结构:Modwave Native拥有双声道合成结构,每个声道都可以独立设置波表、滤波器、包络和效果等参数。这使得你能够创建出富有层次感和立体感的声音。

滤波器和效果器:Modwave Native配备了多种滤波器类型,包括低通、高通、带通和陷波等。它还内置了多个效果器,如混响、合唱、延迟和失真等,为你的声音提供更多的处理选项。

音序器和调制矩阵:Modwave Native具备内置的16步音序器和调制矩阵。你可以使用它们来创建复杂的音乐片段和声音变化,通过调整步进、速度和幅度等参数来实现动态的表演效果。

MPE支持:Modwave Native兼容MPE(多维触控音频)标准,可以与MIDI控制器进行连接,并通过触摸、滑动和按压等手势来实时控制音色和表达。

预设库和浏览器:Modwave Native内置了丰富的预设库,涵盖了各种风格和类型的声音。它还提供了一个直观的预设浏览器,方便你快速找到适合的声音。

Modwave Native Wavetable Synthesizer Synthesis powerhouse with distinctive wavetable timbres, Kaoss Physics, and Motion Sequencing 2.0. The modwave, released in 2021, builds on the DW legacy and transforms it into a modern monster synth, featuring incredibly deep wavetable oscillators, gorgeous filters, wildly flexible modulation, sophisticated pattern sequencing, and macro controls to deliver unique, powerful, and easily customizable sounds and phrases.

What's a wavetable?
Wavetables are sets of single-cycle digital waveforms, arranged in a specific order. The wavetable's "position" determines which waveform is played. Moving the position with an envelope, LFO, or other modulation source creates subtle or dramatic changes in timbre. Some wavetable systems switch abruptly from one waveform to another; others crossfade smoothly between them. The modwave can do either one.

Use over 30 Modifiers to alter the character of any wavetable at load time. For instance, isolate the odd or even harmonics, add weight through anti-aliased quantization or saturation, or revisit the gritty character of old-school wavetable synths with the Vintage 8 & 12 options.

The 13 Morph Types let you stretch, squeeze, reflect, and otherwise alter the wavetables in real-time, changing their timbre and—when modulated—creating additional motion in the sound. Sync creates classic swept-sync timbres, using only a single oscillator. Three special Morph Types—FM, AM, and Ring Mod—modulate Osc 2 with Osc 1, and the last two even apply to samples.

A/B Blend
Using the unique A/B mode, oscillators can blend any two wavetables with phase-synchronous precision—different from simply layering voices—opening up a dimension of intermediate waveforms. Add body to otherwise "thin" waveforms, for instance, or a touch of sizzle to a mellow timbre. Even fade between two different "modifier" versions of the same wavetable. A/B Blend can be modulated in real-time, of course.
