Tone Projects Unisum 1.1.3 破解版 – 母带压缩器

Tone Projects Unisum 1.1.3 破解版 – 母带压缩器

Tone Projects Unisum for mac是是一种最先进的母带压缩器,它基于一种结合了无可挑剔的声音和无与伦比的音乐灵活性的新颖拓扑结构。无论您是想添加胶水或凹槽,塑造动态轮廓,还是解决混合中的挑战,用Tone Projects Unisum即可实现




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Tone Projects Unisum 1.1.3 破解版 – 母带压缩器

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Tone Projects Unisum for mac是是一种最先进的母带压缩器,它基于一种结合了无可挑剔的声音和无与伦比的音乐灵活性的新颖拓扑结构。无论您是想添加胶水或凹槽,塑造动态轮廓,还是解决混合中的挑战,用Tone Projects Unisum即可实现
Unsium 与经验丰富的母带专业人士合作构建,具有由灵活的多频段检测驱动的干净宽带压缩,以及对包络和传输曲线的广泛控制。无论您是想添加胶水或凹槽,塑造动态轮廓,还是解决混合中的挑战,Unisum 都能帮助您以精确和完整的方式实现您的目标。
Unisum is a state-of-the-art mastering compressor based on a novel topology combining impeccable sound with unmatched musical flexibility.
Built in collaboration with experienced mastering professionals, Unsium features clean wideband compression driven by flexible multi-band detection, and extensive control over envelope and transfer curve. Whether you want to add glue or groove, shape the dynamic contours, or solve a challenge in the mix, Unisum helps you achieve your goal with precision and integrity.
• Add depth and energy without sacrificing the integrity of the source material.
• Add polish and cohesive glue to any mix regardless of style.
• Tailor every part of the compression response for a unique fit with the material.
• Control stereo image and add natural width using Mid/Side mode and flexible channel linking.
• Shape Attack and Release curves for perfect grab and movement.
• Solve challenges in a mix with the highest possible precision and fidelity.
Key Features
Exceptionally clean compression
One of Unisum’s most compelling traits is the incredible clean compression. With extremely low intermodulation distortion and practically no digital aliasing, Unisum rivals high-end analog gear. Combined with musical level detection, program dependent envelopes, and smooth gain reduction Unisum delivers transparent compression that is perfectly suited for program material demanding the highest fidelity.
Wideband compression with multi-band control
At the heart of Unisum is a unique multi-band detection path offering immense control. The sidechain is split into 3 frequency bands, each with parallel RMS and Peak detectors. The result is efficient yet musical level tracking with flexibility to tailor the response for a perfect fit with any track. You can also set up frequency dependent Threshold, Ratio, and Attack/Release.. all without destructive crossovers in the audio path.
Full creative control
In stark contrast to automated “AI” tools and oversimplified one-size-fits-all compressors, Unisum provides detailed controls that empower you to respond with great precision to what your ears and emotions tell you is needed for the most impactful sound. Adjust the Attack and Release curves and set up transient specific timings. Shape the transfer curve. Filter and limit the channel linking, and much more.
Character when you need it
Unisum stays clean, until you tell it not to. Engage the HYGGE circuit to add mastering grade transformer and tube warmth. Being highly level and frequency dependent in nature, HYGGE imparts subtle weight and thickness to any sound. With Memory Effect you can mimic the program dependent behaviour of opto compressors, or inverse it for a very different feel. Or you might want to crank the RMS detector speed for some low end bite.
Whats new in this version
MAC: Native Apple Silicon support (so far AU/VST3 only)
Improved CPU performance for all platforms
Minor bug fixes
Minor updates to factory presets
System Requirements
Mac: VST3, AU, AAX (64 bit)
